
The People of Egypt Rising


The People of Egypt Rising

“The people of Egypt has spoken: “Enough of more than 30 years of oppression, Out with Mubarak and his group!” rang out for last eight days..

The progressive Filipino American community and their allies  militantly supports and are one with the rising and militant people of Egypt for standing up and striving to overthrow the US-supported Mubarak regime which has long oppressed and exploited them for more than 30 years.

They massed in support at the Egyptian Los Angeles consulate and at the Wilshire federal building to dramatize their solidarity for the rising brave people of Egypt. More and more people in America are growing frustrated with the Obama-Clinton play of words. All semantics and lip service, no action taken.

The Egyptian people in their millions have  acted to repudiate the regime for its oppressiveness, its servility to US imperialism and its conformity to the US-dictated “neoliberal” economic policy which has brought about the high rate of unemployment, decline of the economy and breakdown of social services.

Egyptian People vs US and Mubarak

Millions of Egyptians poured out into the streets braving police and secret intelligence open terror. And they were successful in their redress of grievances. The brave inheritors of the nationalist Nasser have proven to the world that ordinary Egyptians can stand up against   a tyrant.

The Egyptian and the whole Arab world can still remember when Egypt stood tall and claimed its leading role against the  imperial powers in the Suez canal crisis of 1956. They remembered how the imperialists conspire with Israel to wrest  Jerusalem and parts  of Egypt in the 1967 war.

They stood with Nasser through victory and defeat and with his successors in the hope that they will continue his fighting anti-imperialist tradition.  Sadat for a time looked like "little Nasser' especially during the Yum Kippur War of 1973.

But Mubarak and his boss the United States are calling for “orderly transition” like the way they maneuvered “ people’s power” in the Philippines, Thailand and elsewhere.Like Marcos of the Philippines, Mubarak is clinging on to his last straws and is proposing to step down by September.

The United States is playing its card even to have Egypt ruled with Mubarak puppets.There are indications that behind the scenes the US and the generals are trying to engineer a new arrangement.

US Supports Mubarak and his retinue

The Egyptian people are aware that the Egyptian state for too long since 1977 has been  dependent on a wide range of economic, financial and political relations with the US and other imperialist countries.  The  US alone has poured more than USD 50 billion into Egypt in order to coopt its rulers and use them as tools of US hegemonism,

Sadat is his desperation turned to diplomacy to get concessions from Israel like the return of the Gaza Strip after their failed offensive in 1973. His assassination turned Mubarak as the next leader for the next 30 years.

The Egyptian military under Mubarak  became  dependent on a huge amount of US military assistance amounting to more than USD 1.38 billion, which is next in size only to that given to Israel. The US also gives economic assistance amounting to more than USD 800 million.

The US is agenda is clear. They are  highly interested in the restabilization of the situation in Egypt in order to forestall the rise of anti-imperialist forces and thus maintain a balance of forces in favor of the US-Zionist combine in the region.But the people of the near east is rising up.The trend in the Arab world is revolution!

Advance towards People’s Democracy

The American people are  happy at the fact that the revolutionary forces have the chance to expand and consolidate their strength. The Egyptian  people are asserting  their sovereign power. They are opening the way to further advances and further possibilities in the struggle for national liberation, democracy, development and social justice.

It has been a lesson in history repeatedly demonstrated that particular despotic regimes can be overthrown, such as those of Duvalier, Marcos, Somoza, Pinochet, Mobutu and Suharto. But the US will do it utmost to put up a subsequent false facade of democracy. It  can only be fleeting like in Haiti, the Philippines and elsewhere for as long as the US and the local exploiting classes can rule through a bureaucratic and military machinery beholden to them.

The Filipino-American community will support the brave people of Egypt on whatever course they may take.

If they need to move forward on the path of national liberation and social revolution and towards Arab solidarity against their enemies, we are behind them.

OUT with Mubarak, Now!

Democracy and national salvation for Egypt and its people!